When This Is Over - Update

We are incredibly sad to announce that we have had to cancel our performances of When This Is Over, due to take place at the Unicorn Theatre this week.

Some of our cast and team have tested positive for Covid and our first priority will always be the health and well-being of our young people, staff and audiences.

This is a message from our cast:

We’ve been working on this show for over a year now. It’s not been like anything we’ve ever done before.

We’ve never felt as important, or had so much space to talk about how we feel. It was all about making us be the best we could be, rather than just making a nice show.

It’s given us a lot more confidence in our own stories.

We really wanted to share them with you and we are so sad that we can’t – for now.

When this is over, we will be back. There is no way we will let Covid take away the work we have done. We see this as an opportunity to make our show better than before.

We will emerge out of this new parallel universe that definitely wasn't planned, and we’ll make the most of it.

Allegresse, Bailey, Kezia, Love, Mackenzie, Shilton and Shyhiem

Our Artistic Director, Ned Glasier, has also written this reflection.

We will update everyone soon with plans for the future of the show.

If you had booked tickets for the show then you should have received an email today from the Unicorn box office. If you haven't then please contact the box office team on boxoffice@unicorntheatre.com or 020 7645 0560.

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